My objectives are fairly straightforward: Take and hold Sector 6 of the game map (a 5 km by 5 km area) while advancing north of Grafschaft to secure Sector 1. However, the overwhelming majority of the victory points reside in Sector 6 at 150 compared to just 10 in Sector 1.
For this scenario I am provided command over 1st, 2nd and 3rd Gds MRR Battalions plus two SAM platforms. The 1/68th, down a company is nonetheless augmented by the inclusion of FSE and CRP units which bring to bear additional antiaircraft capabilities and add light artillery assets that the other battalions do not have.
On turn six I am to receive helicopter gunship support in the form of two Mi24F flights at grid 40,30 (the extreme bottom right of the map). There are no off map artillery or airstrikes available and no tactical nuclear option (I blame sequestration…)
The two SAM platoons (SAM 1 and SAM 2) attached to HQ/68 Gds MRR contain two SA-8 Gecko self-propelled air defense platforms each. These are highly mobile units which contain their own engagement radars on the actual launch vehicle. As represented in this game, the unit’s maximum fire area (MFA) is the same as the maximum line of sight (MLOS) area (this is not always the case with other unit types).
There does not appear to be a representation of a regimental surveillance radar asset to augment their detection (thus attack) ranges, so placing these vehicles and keeping them near the principal fighting (as safely as possible) will be a challenge throughout this scenario.
The Soviet forces are obviously not on the same level as the US forces in both terms of training, equipment and capability. Fortunately for the USSR, the scenario can last up to 12 hours (30 minute turn increments X 24 turns) which means that they are at the mercy of nightfall (and American superior night-fighting abilities) for only a short time (assuming that neither sides front line forces fall below 20% which will end the game automatically).
Although the objective is an unnamed area north of Grafschaft in Sector 1, the reality is that this scenario is effectively designed for a slugfest to occur in Sector 6 as that is where both sides have the majority of victory points available.
Alright, on with it then...
This is the Command Briefing: not much info here as it is 10 AM and HQ does not expect me to be alive by lunchtime.
Look mom!! My first ORBAT! How cute they I am not a student of any specific doctrine (much less Soviet armor), I will employ these forces based on a hodgepodge of theory and practice honed in such classics as Tony Hawks Project 8 and Mario Kart.
You are here, now go over there. Yes, there: right through that buzz saw waiting (dug-in most likely) for your conscript enjoyment. In other words, they want me to take that big red thing with the tip and stick in that hole over there. These graphics come directly from the game, what can I say...
Joy: as if it wasn't bad enough already, I am presented with the snide factoid that had this battle occurred in real life, the "experts" have decided that I thoroughly would have my rear end delivered on a silver platter.
All I can say is the 11th CAV have never played against me...
In the pregame setup phase I am presented with the layout as decided upon the scenario designer. The thicker red bounding box around my forces is a drag and drop deployable area where I can assemble my forces (even stack to certain limits) and issue orders as well.
The first tab in the panel of the Tactical Operations Center Staff Diary is fairly dull most likely because I do not yet know how to effectively use the data shown to influence the battle.
This Kill and Claims tab however has vital information to the progress of the game. As shown, I have a total of 247 runners (vehicles) available. My understanding is that if the number of surviving runners falls below 20% of mission start, I automatically lose the scenario.
Some minor adjustments: The C key brings up the cover rating for each grid square, while the Q key switches the game to Quiet SFX mode which makes the turn run much faster. I also frequently cycle through HQ/subordinates as well which is the yellow flags on various units.
The ORBAT calls these units part of the Advance Guard. In my world, they will do little if any direct fighting with the enemy. The FSE unit is comprised of 22 vehicles, the most important of which in my opinion are the 122mm self propelled artillery pieces.
The CRP unit only contains six vehicles and would be toast if it came upon a platoon of Abrams tanks.
I relegate both units to the rear with the intent of using FSE as part of my artillery battery: The FSE unit is placed in a safe area across the second river while the CRP unit is placed in a wood line area offering a cover rating of 90, yet still in the command radius of the superior unit.
2nd and 3rd batteries of the 1/68th are set towards the rear but allowing for the entire focus of the battlefield to be covered by their max fire area.
The 1/68th are brought forward to the edge of the bounding box. The primary fighting units (the 17-1 counters) are at the edge while I have the battalion support units and HQ in front of the CRP unit, enjoying some of that 90 cover rating of the wood line. The MT-LB 120mm Mortar unit can provide barrage, direct support and counter battery fire on the battlefield.
The 2/68th are brought forward and up to the NW most edge of the bounding box. My intent is to race this force north, then west in an effort to force the American forces to deal with them as a serious threat to the rear echelon (I always wanted to use that in an AAR…it could have been called a burrito but I would still use echelon).
I place the 1st and 2nd SAM platoons forward. The contain SA8 Geckos and my hope is from the cover of the wood line, they can harass if not outright defeat any snooping aircraft.
The 3/68th is moved forward but away from Sector 6 proper as I am counting on these guys to be my ace in the hole in the effort to freeze the enemy on the river.
This is my plan of attack: The 2/68th will rush north, then west while elements of the 1/68th will hold near grid 20,20. Harassing chemical and conventional artillery fire will be applied to areas of enemy congestion while the 3/68th will move west, then north with support from the Mi24F gunships. With luck, I can freeze 11th Cav out of Sector 6 and go cherry picking for victory points.
So begins the march north for the 2/68th: they will form a line in the heavy cover rating of the city before proceeding west (and possibly south later on if they survive this foray).
FSE is also tasked with laying down a chemical attack within Sector 6. This is a principal area of concentration and I hope to scout it proper with the Mi24F flights due in turn six.
Turn One Result: The chemical deployments can be seen on the map in grids 1,1 and 12,11 while a helicopter flight is revealed in Sector 6.
Turn One Radio Reports: Blah, blah, blah or something something Dark Side…
Turn One Kills and Claims: A completely bloodless affair for both sides so far even with the immediate deployment of WMD by the Soviets.
Turn One Staff Overview: Accumulated Victory Points are 30 for NATO and 1 for the Warsaw Pact.
Turn Two Result: No additional orders were given between turns one and two. The 2/68th have assumed their position north in Sector 3.
Turn Two Radio Reports: If anything this does show me a chronological representation of whom, what, when and where which could be useful later on. This however was not covered in much detail in Conscript School.
Turn Two Kills and Claims: Although no one has died yet, just you wait…
Turn Two Staff Overview: Rinse and repeat.
The lead fighting elements of 1st Coy 2/68th are moved west to the edge of the wood line in Sector 2.
The Max Fire Area for the eight MT-LB 120mm medium mortar units is currently sufficient to support the movement west so they will be left at grid 25,2.
The Command Radius for the HQ component however is not sufficient, so they are moved forward into the heavy cover of the tree line.
Turn Three Result: The lead elements of the 1/68th have reached the cover of the wood line in Sector 2 without having been detected by the American helicopter flight in Sector 6.
Turn Three Radio Reports: Apparently only one radio report was issued during the turn.
Turn Three Kills and Claims: Nothing to see here, move along.
Turn Three Staff Overview: Rinse and repeat.
Contact has been made with the enemy with significant losses being experienced in Sector 2 by 1st Coy 2/68th. The helicopter flight in Sector 6 has been engaged by the SAM 2 platoon who is requesting emergency resupply.
The enemy HQ has been spotted in grid 1,2 and the game immediately initiates a high priority barrage request to the Fire Support Control Center. I like this automated feature of the game.
Turn Four Results: 1st Coy 2/68th is falling back into the wood line after losing 12 of its 17 vehicles to the Americans. This has been a costly movement that could have been executed better, but I feel that it put the enemy AI on notice that there is something to be reckoned with in the trees.
Turn Four Radio Reports: Given the contact, it is surprising (at least to me) that there was only one radio report issued during the turn.
Turn Four Kills and Claims: A total of 13 vehicles lost to only three for the Americans. This is not a return on investment that I can afford to maintain throughout the scenario.
Turn Four Staff Overview: NATO has 43 Victory Points while the Warsaw Pact only has 4. The Americans currently control Sector 6 however that will not last.
So begins the march north for the 2/68th: they will form a line in the heavy cover rating of the city before proceeding west (and possibly south later on if they survive this foray).
FSE is also tasked with laying down a chemical attack within Sector 6. This is a principal area of concentration and I hope to scout it proper with the Mi24F flights due in turn six.
Turn One Result: The chemical deployments can be seen on the map in grids 1,1 and 12,11 while a helicopter flight is revealed in Sector 6.
Turn One Radio Reports: Blah, blah, blah or something something Dark Side…
Turn One Kills and Claims: A completely bloodless affair for both sides so far even with the immediate deployment of WMD by the Soviets.
Turn One Staff Overview: Accumulated Victory Points are 30 for NATO and 1 for the Warsaw Pact.
Turn Two Result: No additional orders were given between turns one and two. The 2/68th have assumed their position north in Sector 3.
Turn Two Radio Reports: If anything this does show me a chronological representation of whom, what, when and where which could be useful later on. This however was not covered in much detail in Conscript School.
Turn Two Kills and Claims: Although no one has died yet, just you wait…
Turn Two Staff Overview: Rinse and repeat.
The lead fighting elements of 1st Coy 2/68th are moved west to the edge of the wood line in Sector 2.
The Max Fire Area for the eight MT-LB 120mm medium mortar units is currently sufficient to support the movement west so they will be left at grid 25,2.
The Command Radius for the HQ component however is not sufficient, so they are moved forward into the heavy cover of the tree line.
Turn Three Result: The lead elements of the 1/68th have reached the cover of the wood line in Sector 2 without having been detected by the American helicopter flight in Sector 6.
Turn Three Radio Reports: Apparently only one radio report was issued during the turn.
Turn Three Kills and Claims: Nothing to see here, move along.
Turn Three Staff Overview: Rinse and repeat.
Contact has been made with the enemy with significant losses being experienced in Sector 2 by 1st Coy 2/68th. The helicopter flight in Sector 6 has been engaged by the SAM 2 platoon who is requesting emergency resupply.
The enemy HQ has been spotted in grid 1,2 and the game immediately initiates a high priority barrage request to the Fire Support Control Center. I like this automated feature of the game.
Turn Four Results: 1st Coy 2/68th is falling back into the wood line after losing 12 of its 17 vehicles to the Americans. This has been a costly movement that could have been executed better, but I feel that it put the enemy AI on notice that there is something to be reckoned with in the trees.
Turn Four Radio Reports: Given the contact, it is surprising (at least to me) that there was only one radio report issued during the turn.
Turn Four Kills and Claims: A total of 13 vehicles lost to only three for the Americans. This is not a return on investment that I can afford to maintain throughout the scenario.
Turn Four Staff Overview: NATO has 43 Victory Points while the Warsaw Pact only has 4. The Americans currently control Sector 6 however that will not last.
Turn Five Results: 1st Coy 2/68th has settled in after the beating it took the previous turn. 2nd and 3rd Batteries of the 1/68th have taken some counter-battery fire and are making location adjustments.
Turn Five Radio Reports: Only one radio report…things are sure to heat up later on so I expect some activity in this tab.
Turn Five Kills and Claims: No additional losses were experienced so I am still sitting at 95% of my original force.
Turn Five Staff Overview: Same result as before given the lack of combat during the turn.
At the end of turn six my two flights of Mi24F's (a total of four aircraft) are made available at location 40,30 so it will be some time before they are in position to affect the battle.
Turn Six Results: Not much to report here as I am just kicking back and monitoring the situation until I can bring the air support to bear against the enemy.
Turn Six Radio Reports: Only one radio! I need someone to talk to me. It is so lonely out here in the sticks...
Turn Six Kills and Claims: No additional losses were experienced so I am still sitting at 95% of my original force.
Turn Six Staff Overview: NATO has 43 Victory Points while the Warsaw Pact only has 4.
The Mi24F teams are ordered to move to a position in Sector 7 flanking either side of the advance frontage of 2nd and 3rd Coy of the 1/68th. SAM 2 platoon continues to engage enemy aircraft in Sector 6.
I like being able to see the AI pathing in the game for assigned waypoints. The movement for the Mi24F’s is gradual at first as I don’t want to lose them by having them directly fly over a hornets nest. These are not invincible units by any stretch of the imagination so baby steps are required.
Turn Seven Results: The aircraft have made it to their flanking positions and everything else appears in order.
Turn Seven Radio Reports: Yay! New friends…I am so pathetic (and yet derelict to realize there is a "Show All Diary Entries" button just sitting there...
Turn Seven Kills and Claims: No additional losses were experienced so I am still sitting at 95% of my original force.
Turn Seven Staff Overview: NATO has 43 Victory Points while the Warsaw Pact only has 4 (did I mention how I love copy and paste?)
I order Mi24F Team 2 (not sure why it shows Team 1 in the bottom right of the panel) to grid 11,20 in Sector 6 to scout the western push of the 3/68th who has been sitting in reserve since the start of the battle. This single move by the helicopters into Sector 6 will substantially alter the Victory Point balance.
Turn Eight Results: Mi24F Team 2 have arrived at grid 11,20 and the Victory Point balance has shifted from 91% NATO to 76% :)
Turn Eight Radio Reports: Snooze…somehow I don’t think this is how the Kremlin envisioned my supporting Operation Mercury…
Turn Eight Kills and Claims: No additional losses were experienced so I am still sitting at 95% of my original force.
Turn Eight Staff Overview: NATO has 13 Victory Points while the Warsaw Pact only has 4. Team 2 has not fired a shot and has already impacted the battle.

The 2/68th AGL Platoon is ordered to move west into an exposed area outside of the concealment of the tree line it has been sitting behind. This is my version of a probe (in broad daylight) to scout ahead of the force and obtain potential targeting information for my artillery units.
This is the beginning of the 3/68th Battalions move west: The stack consisting of the AGL, Mortar and SAM Platoons are selected to move to grid 17,20 which is just across the bridge in the southern part of Sector 6.
The remaining elements of the 3/68th are ordered to move forward as well. This will be a major component of my plan to fix the Americans and achieve the required Victory Points to win the scenario.
Unit movements during the game resolution phase using Show All Friendly Waypoints.
The 2/68th AGL Platoon has taken a severe beating out in the
open, losing a total of four of its six vehicles (BMP-2 / AGS-17) during the
turn. All I receive in return is a visual representation of a firing point
Turn 09 Results: The costly foray of the 2/68th AGL Platoon is shown is stark relief: The loss of four combat vehicles for no enemy units having been substantially revealed.
Turn 09 Radio Reports: Nothing unique here captured in the screen shot as I had yet learned to properly use this part of the game data.
Turn 09 Kills and Claims: The loss of four BMP’s in the form of raw numerical data.
Turn 09 Staff Overview: All is not lost though as the Victory Point Balance shifted from 76% in the Americans favor at the start of the turn to 90% in the WARSAW Pacts favor due to the entry of the lead combat elements of the 3/68th having entered Sector Six.
The march west of the 3/68th into Sector Six
continues with no disruption from the enemy.
The 3/68th ADA Platoon takes down the AH-1F Cobra revealed in the previous screen shot.
Turn 10 Results: The 3/68th is firmly in Sector
Six. Although some American units were engaged during the turn, there are no
remaining indicators of enemy units on the game map.
Turn 10 Kills and Claims: There would a trade-off of two
vehicles on each side during the turn.
Turn 10 Staff Overview: Although the Victory Points
increased equally for both sides, the VP Balance bar at the bottom of the
screen shot decreased from 90% to 89%.
During the game resolution phase of turn 11, the flight takes fire from an American position in grid 10,9 just across the bridge in Sector One.
Turn 11 Results: Although fired upon, Team One did not suffer any losses. The enemy unit counter spotted during the turn has disappeared: this is one of my gripes about the game. I would prefer it to be similar to the Airborne Assault engine where there are different levels of intelligence that can be toggled which decays in quality over time, instead of this “Where’s Waldo?” crap.
Turn 11 Kills and Claims: The numbers remain the same as neither side suffered any losses. The Americans have taken 19 of my vehicles for the Soviets having taken 5, a 14 vehicle advantage to the Americans (almost an entire Soviet company). Although I am winning the fight in terms of Victory Points due to having control of Sector Six, I cannot afford to stand toe-to-toe with the enemy in a fist fight as the Soviets will surely bleed more vehicles at an unacceptable ratio.
Turn 11 Staff Overview: There is a one vehicle discrepancy between this panel and the previous. The Soviets still enjoy and overwhelming advantage in the VP Balance due mostly to the Americans not having moved in force from their deployment area.
I have learned so far to play this game with sticky notes available to mark down key intelligence locations such as 10,9 where the Americans were revealed during the previous turn. The 2/68th Mortar Platoon is ordered to lay down one salvo of Neutralizing Fire on the position. With luck, I can score some artillery kills against their vehicles without risking direct vehicle to vehicle combat.
Turn 12 Results: The Warsaw Pact units are poised to continue the plan of attack.
Turn 12 Staff Overview: No real change from the previous turn although the one vehicle discrepancy from the Tactical Operations Center Staff Diary Kills and Claims tab still persists.
Turn 13 Results: Companies 1,2 and 3 of the 3/68th have taken up position in the heavy cover (80 rating) of Grafschaft while the support elements and HQ continue to move into position. I have great hope that this battalion will be the blocking force from any American advance towards Sector Six (as they are capable of delivering direct fire across the river).
Turn 13 Staff Overview: No change in statistics here: Along with previous elimination of redundant and excessive screen shots, these report panels will only be posted when there is a change from the previous turns result.
The 1/68th Mortar Platoon is ordered to lay down Neutralizing Fire on suspected enemy position 10,9. Without any evidence that the Americans have moved, this is a logical employment of ammunition with the hope of inflicting a kill against their forces.
Turn 14 Results: Everyone appears to be sitting tight with no enemy forces revealed during the turn.
Turn 14 Kills and Claims: The barrage was successful with two enemy vehciles destroyed, both having been M113 A1 APC's.
Turn 14 Staff OVerview: The one vehicle discrepancy persists, however the vehcile excange is 19-8 with the Americans having an 11 vehicle kill advantage. However the Soviets still control the battle with control of Sector Six and its 150 Victory Points.
Rinse and Repeat: This time the FSE unit will lay down a barrage of Neutralizing Fire against grid 10,9. Why not? I am killing their vehicles with no loss of mine recently.
Turn 15 Results: The 3/68th are in position with the main combat units under SOP Doctrine to engage enemy units within 5,000 meters (which reaches across the river and bridge as each grid is 500 meters).
Turn 15 Radio Reports: Conscript Timmy discovers the Show All Diary Entries button on the Tac Ops Diary panel. I had no idea it was raining on the battlefield.
Turn 15 Kills and Claims: One additional vehicle KIA is picked up, a Combat Engineer Vehicle.
Turn 15 Staff Overview: Although I am picking up vehicle kills in the past few turns without any losses on my side, the VP Balance remains locked at 89%.
Mi24F Team 2 is brought out of its reserve position and moved forward to an observation point at grid 16,11.
Rinse and Repeat: 2 Battery of the 1/68th is ordered to lay down a Harassing Fire barrage at 10,9.
During the game resolution phase for turn 16, the effects of the artillery can be seen in grid 10,9 just across the bridge as enemy vehicles are exploding.
Turn 16 Results: Everyone sitting pretty in a set piece battle kind of way.
Turn 16 Kills and Claims: Another enemy Combat Engineer Vehicle is KIA.
Turn 16 Staff Overview: While I am closing the gap in vehicle exchange (the Americans now only have a nine vehicle advantage), the VP Balance has not budged.
At the beginning of the game resolution phase the aircraft come under AA fire from grid 10,9 immediately killing one bird from Team 1.
Turn 17 Results: An unmitigated disaster. Mi24F Team 2 is wiped out while Team 1 is down to one bird and out of ammunition. 2nd and 3rd Company of the 2/68th has lost six vehicles among them while 2nd Coy is out of ammunition.
Turn 17 Radio Reports: In the span of three minutes Team 2 is eliminated.
Turn 17 Kills and Claims: Nine vehicles (including three out of only four available aircraft) were lost during the turn. Although the position of the Americans has been revealed to some extent, this ratio (one of theirs for nine of mine) cannot be sustained.
Turn 17 Staff Overview: NATO now enjoys a 17 vehicle advantage while the VP Balance drops to 85% in favor of the Warsaw Pact.
All artillery units in range of the revealed American position are ordered to barrage with Neutralizing Fire if their ammunition status is "OK". If it is low or out of ammunition, I place them into Rest and Refit status for two turns.
3rd Company of the 3/68th dug in at Grafschaft scores a kill shot across the river taking out a M1A1 Abrams MBT.
Turn 18 Results: Four grids reveal enemy positions as well as smoke coming from a fifth grid.
Turn 18 Kills and Claims: The Americans pick up three vehicles and the Soviets only one. The bleeding continues as my Warsaw Pact Forces cannot stand toe to toe against the enemy in the positions that I have put them in.
Turn 18 Staff Overview: The numbers speak for themselves. Although I am in control of Sector Six (and the game) at the moment, if the Americans decide to move forward in force I stand to be in real trouble.
During the turn the Americans employed an airstrike by A-10 aircraft who reported back intelligence on my positions.
Turn 19 Results: The revealed enemy positions provide targeting opportunities for some of my artillery units that have rested and been refitted for the past two turns.
Turn 19 Kills and Claims: An additional eight vehicles were lost during the turn while only picking up a single additional kill.
Turn 19 Staff Overview: The enemy enjoys a 26 vehicle advantage, however they continue to lose the scenario even though the VP Balance has decayed to only 80%.
Turn 20 Orders: 2nd Company 2/68th is out of ammunition and is pulled backed behind the treeline, while 1st and 3rd Companies are re-faced towards the enemy positions along the river. All artillery units are ordered to fire on known enemy positions (visible or not) with Neutralizing Fire with three aim points. The 1/68th Mortar Platoon is brought forward so that the Max Fire Area can overlap the known enemy positions.
Turn 20 Results: The re-facing of the 2/68th is complete. Sector Six continues to be held by the 1/68th while the 3/68th continues to straddle the line between Sector Five and Six.
Turn 20 Kills and Claims: The artillery units saved the day in this turn accounting for the bulk of enemy KIA. While the Soviets lost an additional two vehicles, they claimed a total of nine kills.
Turn 20 Staff Overview: The vehicle (or "runners") gap has closed to about half. During the turn, the VP Balance actually ticked up to 81% at one point, so the artillery will carry the rest of this battle. With control of the battlefield and the enemy apparently frozen in place, there is simply no point in engaging the Americans in head-to-head vehicular combat.
Turn 21 Orders: Artillery units that are within range of 3,1 (the upper left hand corner of the map where the main road begins) are ordered to lay down Neutralizing Fire (3X) at that coordinate as that is where I suspect some command and other units may be massing on the road to move south (this has been substantiated by previous sighting intelligence). Those artillery units not within range of that target are ordered to continue fire missions against grids 6,8 and 8,8 (those that currently have smoke plumes on the screen shot below).
My single remaining Mi-24F Hind has been replenished
with ammunition and is ordered to move back toward the center of the vice where
the 1/68th is at.
Turn 21 Results: The artillery fire missions have had the
desired effect and have actually increased the Victory Point Balance meter for
the Soviets from 80% to 81%. During the turn I received a pop-up message that
the enemy HQ was located in grid 1,1 and fire missions were adjusted by the
computer to attack that target as well during the turn resolution phase.
Turn 21 Kills and Claims: I did not lose a single unit
during this engagement, while taking seven of the enemy’s vehicles to bring the
current total to 28 losses for NATO.
Turn 21 Staff Overview: Those seven losses increase my VP
total to 179 versus 41 for NATO and are the reason for the 1% increase in the
VP Balance mentioned earlier. One of the two goals for the enemy is to occupy
Sector 12 (bottom right quadrant of the map), but my having them pinned on the
river in the upper left of the map means almost certain victory for the Soviets
at this late stage of the game.
Turn 22 Orders: Artillery units are given the same orders as
in Turn 20 with the exception of the mortar unit assigned to the 3/68th:
it will directly support a movement north of the 1st & 2nd
3/68th Guards MRR tank units (3rd Coy is held back
in reserve as it is down to 14 total vehicles at this point). Mi-24F Team 1 is almost
at its destination and hopefully will be able to detect enemy concentrations
along the river from there. 2nd Coy 2/68th Guards MRR is
brought forward to the edge of the forest line.
Turn 22 Results: The movement of the tanks units was a
disaster as I lost six vehicles to enemy fire. During the turn resolution phase
the VP Balance meter went up to 82%, but as the turn wound down and the Soviets
were taking losses in the armored columns it dropped back down to 80%.
Turn 22 Kills and Claims: The six vehicles destroyed are
confirmed by the raw data provided by the game. I started out with 247 total
vehicles and am now down to only 200, roughly 81% of my original ORBAT. NATO is
not faring well, actually worse during this turn as they lose an additional ten
vehicles to bring the total to 38.
Turn 22 Staff Overview: The VP count stands at 191-47, and
as mentioned earlier NATO will not be able to break out of my vice and make it
to Sector 12 and the 10 VP’s it offers that side before the end of the
Turn 23 Orders: During the turn a concentration of enemy
forces was revealed at grid 8,6 in Sector 1, so I will break those units that
can strike at grid 3,1 and assign have of that artillery capability against
this new sighting. 1st and 2nd Coys of the 3/68th
are pulled back to their original positions as I do not intend to lose any
additional vehicles before the end of the game.
Turn 23 Results: No vehicles were lost but none were
destroyed on the NATO side either.
Turn 23 Kills and Claims: Check that, one vehicle on the
NATO side was destroyed during the turn but it was not enough to alter the VP
Balance which remains at 80%.
Turn 23 Staff Overview: The enemy losses are almost equal
(47 for NATO, 42 for the Soviets). With the Russians in firm control of Sector
6 and NATO not being able to reach Sector 12, victory is at hand.
Turn 24 Orders: Artillery barrages are ordered at grids
3,1/6,8/8,8 with the hope of attaining some additional kills. All other units
are left in place in an attempt to avoid potential loss to the enemy.
After-action Report
The scenario ends and I achieved a “Tactical WARSAW Pact
Victory” against the NATO forces J
Turn 24 Staff Overview: The total VP points were 194-47 for
an 80% VP Balance favoring the Soviets and awarding the tactical victory
result. The vast majority of the Victory Points accumulated for the USSR was in
occupying Sector 6 for the majority of the scenario.
Review Final Situation
The battlefield reveals the enemy location and the value in
targeting grid 3,1 most of the late game once a sighting of units was made
there. NATO had a huge stack there and continued to let it get beat up with
artillery strikes for several turns. The vanguard of their force was mired in
stagnation along the river with the M1A1 MBT’s not being able to break out and
cause any significant damage to the Soviets.
Post Mortem
I started this scenario back in June 2013 and for some
reason I was distracted with other games (and mostly real life stuff) so it
kind of fell off my radar. This is why I truly like being able to save a game
and come back to it in its proper condition: not as a cheat, but as a way of
being able to enjoy a game properly and being able to put it aside for more
important things (that real life thing I mentioned) and still come back to it
when able without losing all sorts of progress.
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